Hello, my name is Jae-eun An. I am a student of BA (Hons) Professional practice in Arts at Middlesex University.
After 10 years of teaching children, choreographing Disney products and training teachers, I have been able to see growth in myself as well. By explaining and demonstrating different emotions and actions to my students, my own expressions as a performer became clearer and distinct. Also, I have realized how much I enjoy creating shows and have felt the passion to get more involved in entertainment industry.
It is my goal to move forward by going to postgraduate school and practicing in theatre.
I am from South Korea. Due to the challenge of adjusting to a different culture while training in acting, singing and dancing at Laine Theatre Arts, I felt that I had not achieved enough and widened the knowledge in my studies as much as I wished to.
I am very excited to start this course. I wish to learn how to communicate with others and use networking to achieve my long term goals.
Great to see your first Post. I think you make a really interesting point about the impact of the culture of a dance school on your own cultural identity. This seems important for many people as a way to better understand their experiences during dance training.
Thank you for the comment Adesola. Yeah in my cluture we are always more focused on technique rather than expressing emotion.